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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Email Hacking Tricks

Email Hacking Tricks Exposed

Email is the fastest way of sending messages across the word.The data regarding email usage is extraordinary around 3 million emails are sent a day,more than 4 million email accounts are active out of which 70% are for business purpose.Email is used as for communication purpose as well as business purpose.So compromising an email account is a critical think since the hacker can affect his/her business  and personal life.

So let us have a look at some of the common email hacking techniques used by hackers so that you will get an awareness about how to secure your email account.

Email Spoofing

Email Spoofing is a technique of changing the email header so that the email appears to have originated from other source.This technique is used by spammers in an attempt to make the receipnt to open the email,sometimes even reply to it.

There are several ways to send fake emails .Internet is that much vulnerable that you can use anybody's email id to send a fake email.

Sending Fake emails

Many web programming languages like PHP have a mail function which can be used to send fake emails.There are numerous websites available on the internet which contains these kind of scripts that can be used for sending fake emails.

Some free websites are even allows you send an attachment also.

php email sending script

eg  :

$to = "";
$subject = "Site Hacked";
$message = "Hello! Your site is hacked";
$from = "";
$headers = "From:" . $from;
echo "Mail Sent.";

This script will send an email to sender id will be

Finding a fake email

You can read my post on How to check the email is original or not for more information on this.

Email Bombing

Email Bombing is the technique of sending an email to a particular address in the victim site.Usually the message will be large with meaningless data.Email Bombing may result in additional system and network resources and creating an effect of denial of service attack.

Simple PHP Script for email Bombing

Again the mail() function on php can be used for email bombing.Iam giving a small example on this.


$i =1;
do {
} while (
$i 0);?>

This is a simple mail bomber script using PHP.Only thing you need to do is upload this PHP script to any free webhosting service. Change to the victim email id .and Change the other fields accordingly.and run the page.

This will bomb the victim's email id .This function is inside a loop that never ends .So infinite amount of emails will be bombed to the victim's email id.

The email servers like gmail or yahoo may put this on a seperate folder but for MSN etc it works perfectly.

Email Spamming

Spamming is a variant of bombing.Instead of sending email to a single victim it is send to thousands of users.Spamming become more worse if one of the receipt replies to this spam email resulting the original  addresses to receive the reply.

You can modify the above mentioned script for spamming or lot of spamming softwares are available in the internet.Which can be downloaded and can be used for spamming.

Email Password Hacking 

Hacking an email server like gmail or yahoo is not possible.The only and easy way to hack an email id is by Client side attack.

Client side attack means ,Compromising the client machine and collecting the required information.Client side attack can be achieved using a Trojan or RAT or a keylogger.You can read more about this kind of attack and the methods used to it from Here

Email Phishing

Email Phishing is a technique of sending a fake email asking the user to login to a page and update his/her credit card information,personal information etc.The page specified in the email will be a fake one and are used to collect the personal information of the user.

examples are

1.Email asking to login to a particular page.
2.Email asking to update your bank information etc.

You can check the authenticity of an email using a simple trick.Which you can read here

Securing You Email

1.Always configure account recovery option.
2.Properly configure security question and note down the answer.
3.Don't Open emails from strangers.
4.Take care of phishing links.
5.Check the url trice before using which comes in email.
6.Check the emails authenticity if required..Click Here to learn it
7.If you use third party email servers like Hmail ,Always use a antispam software.

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